Montag, 30. April 2018

There’s no fish.

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What's for dinner?

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Something seems familiar about this

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The marketing folks at ALDI are gods.

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When you can't sleep

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Bit of a shitty situation

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Caught a rare occurrence

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Dammit Grant...

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Can’t say that about the son

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10/10 would call good boy again

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Additional stars can be bought...

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Underlying overlords

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Zoo exhibits these days

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Sonntag, 29. April 2018

My wife made this for our friend who has Asthma... speechless...

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When the 4th grade meets the 4th Amendment

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My friend just sent me this.

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Knee appalling tan

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This Local tattoo studio has a sign at the reception counter...

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My nephew’s shirt is wearing out.

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How my wife opens things

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once, people had thick skin

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Get the difference right.

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Fan got a 1 year ban from the stadium so decides to rent a crane to watch the game

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Too true

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This elevator is out of service.

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Origin of the word Boob.

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My cousin’s legs after a day in the sun in ripped jeans

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Samstag, 28. April 2018

I'm catman!

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Meanwhile, in china...

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Imagination is Everything !!!

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"Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history"

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Perpetual energy

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My friend works for a hot tub company, the CEO was friends with Leslie Nielsen

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My bread dough looks like that kid from Stranger Things!

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Good old days

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At least he’s come to terms with it.

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I heard this kid yelling for his dad at Lowe’s, I went looking for him and.....

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Freitag, 27. April 2018

This sign at my local church

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When the boss comes in and you're "working" on an important project.

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When vandals have a sense of humor

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Sorry my state is years behind......

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Somewhere deep down the kid in us is still alive...

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Friendzoned On National Television

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Old but good

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Simplified English

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The kids were told to dress like they were 100 years old for their 100th day of school so my son got a haircut.

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